Festival A Chance For Metal Festival
Festival Aaargh Festival
Festival Aalborg Metal Festival
Festival Absolution Fest
Festival Aftershock
Festival Alcatraz Hard Rock & Metal Festival
Festival Alpen Flair
Festival Ampere Stunden
Festival Amphi Festival
Festival Andernach Metal Days
Festival Area 53 Festival
Festival ARTmania Festival
Festival Aurora Fest
Festival Autumn Moon Festival
Festival Autumn Moon Tribute
Festival Autumn Shadow
Festival Baden in Blut
Festival Baltic Open Air
Festival Bandhaus Open Air
Festival Bang your Head
Festival Bangers & Maniacs - Birthday Bash
Festival Barcelona Rock Fest
Festival Baroeg Open Air
Festival Basinfirefest
Festival Bats In The Attic
Festival Bavarian Battle Open Air
Festival Beats and Noise
Festival Belenus Festival
Festival Belgian Beats Over Hannover
Festival Benefiz am Berg
Festival Benefiz for Kids
Festival Bergfest
Festival Berliner Gothic Treffen
Festival Beyond the Gates
Festival Biberttal Festival
Festival BIMFEST
Festival Black Castle Festival
Festival Black Easter Festival
Festival Black Flirt Festival
Festival Black Lower Castle Festival
Festival Black Mountain Festival
Festival Black Spring Festival
Festival Black Star Fest
Festival Black Summer Festival
Festival Blacktron Festival
Festival Blizzarrrd Rock
Festival Bloodstock Open Air
Festival Bloody Christmas Festival
Festival Blue Ridge
Festival Boarstream Open Air
Festival Bodies & Beats
Festival Bodyfest
Festival Bonebreaker Festival
Festival Braincrusher Birthdaybash
Festival Braincrusher Festival
Festival Brainstorm Festival
Festival Break your Neck
Festival Brutal Assault
Festival Bullhead City
Festival Bunker Noise
Festival Burg Alarm Open Air
Festival Burgfestival
Festival Burning Pants
Festival Burning Q Festival
Festival Call the Ship to Port
Festival Campus Noir
Festival Camunia Sonora
Festival Candelabrum Metal Fest
Festival Castle Party
Festival Castle Rock Festival
Festival Castlefest
Festival Castlefest Winter Edition
Festival Celtic Rock Open Air
Festival Chaos Descends
Festival Charity Unleashed Festival
Festival Chronical Moshers Open Air
Festival Cold Hearted Festival
Festival Cold Lake Festival
Festival Cold Meat Industry
Festival Cold Transmission Festival
Festival Cold Transmission Label Night
Festival Cold Waves Festival Chicago
Festival Cold Waves Festival Los Angeles
Festival Cold Waves Festival New York
Festival Colorado Goth Fest
Festival Copenhell
Festival CorrosionFest
Festival Crazy X-Mas
Festival Culture of Darkness
Festival Cypefest
Festival Damnation Festival
Festival Dämonentanz Festival
Festival Danse Macabre Festival
Festival Dark Ascension Festival
Festival Dark Carinthia
Festival Dark Christmas Brawl
Festival Dark Club Festival
Festival Dark Dance Treffen
Festival Dark East Festival
Festival Dark Easter Metal Meeting
Festival Dark Electro EBM Festival
Festival Dark Electro Night
Festival Dark Elektro Festival
Festival Dark Elektro Festival / Leipzig
Festival Dark Flora Festival
Festival Dark Force Fest
Festival Dark Helsinki
Festival Dark Horizon
Festival Dark im Park
Festival Dark Indie Electro Festival
Festival Dark Industrial Fest
Festival Dark Key Festival
Festival Dark Malta Festival
Festival Dark Rebound
Festival Dark River Festival
Festival Dark Rush Festival
Festival Dark Side of the Con
Festival Dark Skies over Witten
Festival Dark Spring Festival
Festival Dark Storm Festival
Festival Dark Troll Festival
Festival Dark Winter Festival
Festival Dark Woods
Festival Dark X-mas Show
Festival Darkest Night
Festival DarkMAD
Festival Darkness over Rottweil
Festival Darkrock Festival
Festival Das laute Abendmahl
Festival Das Oktober Metalfest
Festival Das Schloss Rockt
Festival Das Spectaculum Rockt
Festival De Profundis
Festival Death Disco Indoor Festival
Festival Death Disco Open Air Festival
Festival Deathfeast
Festival Deichbrand Festival
Festival Delta Metal Meeting
Festival Der Schwarze Ball
Festival Devil Stage Festival
Festival Die Elbe brennt
Festival Die schwarze Flotte
Festival Dokk'em Open Air
Festival Domination
Festival Dominion Festival
Festival Dong Open Air
Festival Doomsday Fest
Festival Download Festival
Festival Download Festival France
Festival Download Festival Japan
Festival Download Germany
Festival Durbuy Rock Festival
Festival Dusk Till Dawn Rockfestival
Festival Dynamo Metalfest
Festival E-tropolis Festival
Festival E-Welt
Festival E-Werk Ost Festival
Festival e-X-e Festival
Festival Eastend
Festival Easter Cross
Festival Eastside Open Air
Festival EBM Blast
Festival EBM Reunion OST
Festival Eclipse Noire Festival
Festival Eindhoven Metal Meeting
Festival Eine Nacht im Bergwerk
Festival Eistnaflug
Festival Elbenwald Festival
Festival Elbriot Festival
Festival electriXmas
Festival Electro Prague Festival
Festival Electro Wire Festival
Festival Electrocution Festival
Festival Electroinvasion
Festival Electronic Essex
Festival Electronic Infernal Summer
Festival Electronic Summer
Festival Electronic Warfare
Festival Elektro Festival
Festival Elektro Vox Music Festival
Festival Elektroanschlag
Festival Empire of Darkness
Festival Endzeit Festival
Festival Eonly Festival
Festival Epic Fest
Festival Epicenter
Festival Epicentre Festival
Festival Erbenfestspiele
Festival Eutanasia Fest
Festival Exit 111 Festival
Festival Extreme Hate Festival
Festival Factory Nights
Festival Faine Misto Festival
Festival Fame
Festival Familientreffen
Festival Felsenburg Festival
Festival Female Metal League Festival
Festival Festival Mediaval
Festival Festival-Mediaval CZ
Festival Festung Königstein Open Air
Festival Feuertal Festival
Festival Feuertanz Festival
Festival Fimbul Festival
Festival Firestorm Festival
Festival Fledermaustreffen
Festival Folkfield Festival
Festival Force Fest
Festival Forms of Hands
Festival Fourscher
Festival Franconian Metal Party
Festival Franken-Schwarz Festival
Festival Frankfurter Treffen
Festival Frantic Fest
Festival Frauenfeld Rocks
Festival Freak Frequenz
Festival Freudentanz Festival
Festival Fridays Nightmare Festival
Festival Full Force Festival
Festival Full Metal Cruise
Festival Full Metal Holiday
F (Sequel)
Festival Galicia Metalhead Festival
Festival Gefle Metal Cruise
Festival Gefle Metal Festival
Festival Gefle Metal Festival Winter Edition
Festival Gößnitz Open Air
Festival Goth Prom
Festival Gothic Castle
Festival Gothic Cruise
Festival Gothic Dark Wave Festival
Festival Gothic meets Klassik Klassik-Show
Festival Gothic meets Klassik Rock-Show
Festival Gothic Pogo Festival
Festival Gothoom Open Air
Festival GrailFest
Festival Grand Franconian Gothic Meeting
Festival Graspop Metal Meeting
Festival Greenfield Festival
Festival Grey Days Festival
Festival Hamburg Metal Dayz
Festival Hamburger Wellenbrecher
Festival Hammaburg Fest
Festival Hammerfest
Festival Hammership
Festival Hamsterkauf Festival
Festival Hands Label Night
Festival Hansenegro
Festival Hard Out West Festival
Festival Hard Summer Festival
Festival Headbanger Night
Festival Headbanger's Holiday
Festival Headbangers Open Air Festival
Festival Heavy Hamburg Halloween
Festival Heavy Montréal
Festival Heidelberg Deathfest
Festival Heidenlärm Festival
Festival Heidenrock Festival
Festival Hell & Heaven Metal Fest
Festival Hell Awaits
Festival Hell Nights on Halloween
Festival Hell over Halen
Festival Hellfest
Festival Hellseatic
Festival Hellsinki Industrial Festival
Festival Hellsinki Metal Festival
Festival Herbststurm Festival
Festival Herzblut Festival
Festival Hexentanz Open Air Festival
Festival Hills of Rock
Festival Hörnerfest Open Air
Festival HRH Goth
Festival HRH Metal
Festival HRH Vikings
Festival Icerock Festival
Festival In Darkness Festival
Festival In Flammen Open Air
Festival Inbetween-Days
Festival Incineration Fest
Festival Indoor Hexentanz
Festival Industrial Festival Cannes
Festival Industrial Pop Festival
Festival Inferno Metal Festival
Festival Infernum meets Porkcore Fistevil
Festival Infest Festival
Festival Inkcarceration Festival
Festival Innfield Festival
Festival Innrock Reloaded
Festival International EBM Day
Festival Into the Dark Fest
Festival Into The Grave
Festival Ippinghäuser Harte Nacht
Festival Ironhammer Festival
Festival Kaltenbach Open Air
Festival Karmøygeddon Metal Festival
Festival Kasematten Festival
Festival Katzenclub Festival
Festival Katzenclub Oster-Festival
Festival Keep It True
Festival Keep It True Rising
Festival Kein Kiel Festival
Festival Kielectric
Festival Klaffenbach Open Air
Festival Knock Out
Festival Knotfest at Sea
Festival Knotfest Brasil
Festival Knotfest Chile
Festival Knotfest Colombia
Festival Knotfest Finland
Festival Knotfest Germany
Festival Knotfest Japan
Festival Knotfest meets Force Fest
Festival Knotfest meets Hellfest
Festival Knotfest UK
Festival Krawall'o'Rock Open Air
Festival Kultur-Biergarten
Festival Lake Rock Festival
Festival Laurus Nobilis
Festival Lauter Krach Festival
Festival Leyendas del Rock
Festival Liège New Wave Festival
Festival Lions Metal Open Air
Festival Live am See
Festival Lordfest
Festival Los Angeles Gothic Festival
Festival Losing Touch Festival
Festival Louder Fest
Festival Louder than Life
Festival Löwen Schrei Festival
Festival Lucy-Fairs Garden
Festival Lumous Gothic Festival
Festival Luppolo In Rock
Festival M.I.S.E. Metal Meeting
Festival M.I.S.E. Open Air
Festival M'era Luna
Festival Machineman Festival
Festival Mahlstrom Open Air
Festival Månegarm Open Air
Festival Mannried Open Air
Festival ManorFest
Festival Marquis Masquerade
Festival Maryland Deathfest
Festival Maschinenfest
Festival Maschinengipfel
Festival Maschinensturm Festival
Festival Maskenball
Festival Masters of Rock
Festival Matapaloz
Festival Maximum Rock Festival
Festival Mechanismus Festival
Festival Meh Suff!
Festival Meh Suff! Winter-Festival
Festival Mennecy Metal Fest
Festival Merseburger Rocknacht
Festival Metal Bash
Festival Metal Capital
Festival Metal Crash Festival
Festival Metal Diver Cruise
Festival Metal Diver Festival
Festival Metal Embrace Festival
Festival Metal Escalation
Festival Metal For Mercy - Female Fronted Festival
Festival Metal for Mercy - Gothic Night
Festival Metal for Mercy Festival
Festival Metal Franconia Festival
Festival Metal Frenzy Open Air
Festival Metal Gates Festival
Festival Metal Hammer Paradise
Festival Metal is Forever Festival
Festival Metal Kingdom Festival
Festival Metal Masters
Festival Metal on the Hill
Festival Metal Paradise Fest
Festival Metal United Festival
Festival Metalacker Tennenbronn
Festival Metaldays
Festival Metalfest Open Air
Festival MetalGate Czech Death Fest
Festival Metalheads Against Racism
Festival Metalitalia.com Festival
Festival Metalspeck Festival
Festival Metfest
Festival México Metal Fest
Festival Midalidare Rock In The Wine Valley
Festival Midgardsblot Metal Festival
Festival Midsummer Festival
Festival Milagre Metaleiro Open Air
Festival Minicave
Festival Mittelalterfestival zu Feuchtwangen
Festival Modified Ghost Festival
Festival Monster Festival
Festival Monsters Of Rock Cruise
Festival Morbus Fest
Festival Mosh Open Air
Festival Most Wanted Festival
Festival Motocultor Days
Festival Motocultor Festival
Festival Mountain Stomp
Festival MPS Luhmühlen
Festival MUK.E
Festival Mystic Crengeldance Festival
Festival Mystic Festival
Festival Nacht der Helden
Festival Nacht der Helden Herbst
Festival Nachtsucher & Friends
Festival NCN Special
Festival Near Castle Festival
Festival Netherlands Deathfest
Festival New Metal Festival
Festival New Waves Day
Festival Nine Lives Open Air
Festival No Playback Festival
Festival No Sleep Metalfest
Festival Nocturna Festival
Festival Nocturnal Culture Night
Festival Nocturnefest
Festival Noize of Life Festival
Festival Nord Open Air
Festival Nordic Metal Cruise
Festival Nordic Metal Meeting
Festival Nova Rock
Festival Nummirock Metal Festival
P (Sequel)
Festival Pitfest
Festival Pitfest Indoor
Festival Plage Noire
Festival Plane'R Fest
Festival Planet Myer Day
Festival Pluswelt-Festival Berlin
Festival Pluswelt-Festival Oberhausen
Festival Pool of Darkness
Festival Porta Nigra
Festival Porta Nigra - Autumn Passage
Festival Porta Nigra - Body Moving Passage
Festival Porta Nigra - New Wave Edition
Festival Posada Rock Festival
Festival Pott Out
Festival Prague Gothic Treffen
Festival Prognosis Festival
Festival Prognosis Festival London
Festival Prophecy Fest
Festival Provinssi
Festival Psycho Las Vegas
Festival Punk im Pott
Festival Pure Fucking Metal FestEvil
Festival Pyraser Classic Rock Night
Festival R.U.D.E. - Rock unter den Eichen
Festival Rage against Racism
Festival Ragnarök Festival
Festival RaS Vatertach
Festival RaS Winter Night
Festival Rebel Rock Fest
Festival Reborn Festival
Festival Redemption Festival
Festival Reload Festival
Festival Resistanz Festival
Festival Resurrection Fest
Festival Return To The Batcave
Festival Reykjavík Deathfest
Festival Rhön Rock Open Air
Festival Riedler Open Air
Festival Riverside Open Air
Festival Rock am Härtsfeldsee
Festival Rock am Ring
Festival Rock am Stück
Festival Rock Castle
Festival Rock das Ding
Festival Rock dein Leben Festival
Festival Rock den Acker
Festival Rock Hard Festival
Festival Rock Heart
Festival Rock im Hinterland
Festival Rock im Park
Festival Rock im Ring
Festival Rock Imperium
Festival Rock in Rautheim
Festival Rock in Vienna
Festival Rock of Ages
Festival Rock Out
Festival Rock the Castle
Festival Rock the King
Festival Rock the Lakes
Festival Rock the Ring
Festival Rock, um zu helfen!
Festival Rock'N'Iasi
Festival Rock4Peace
Festival Rockavaria
Festival Rockfels
Festival Rockfest
Festival Rockharz Open Air
Festival RockHeart
Festival Rockstadt Extreme Fest
Festival Rockwolf Open Air
Festival RSE & Friends Festival
Festival Ruhrpott Metal Meeting
Festival Ruhrpott Rodeo Open Air
Festival Sabaton Cruise
Festival Sabaton Open Air
Festival Sankt Hell
Festival Santiago Gothic Treffen
Festival Schachtfrequenz
Festival Schattenwelt Festival
Festival Schlagstrom Festival
Festival Schlossfestspiele - Merseburg
Festival Schlosshof Festival
Festival Schwarzburger Metalwiese
Festival Schwarzes Pfingsten
Festival Shamrock Castle
Festival Ship of Rebels
Festival Sick New World
Festival Silva Spectaculum
Festival Sin Festival
Festival Sincity Festival
Festival Sinner's Day Summer
Festival Sinner's Day Winter
Festival Skaldenfest Open Air
Festival Skaldenwolf Festival
Festival Snowstorm
Festival Sofia Metal Fest
Festival Sonic Temple
Festival Spirit in Tunes Festival
Festival SpreewaldRock Festival
Festival Spring Goth Festival Whitby
Festival Stahlnacht
Festival Static Darkness
Festival Stella Nomine Festival
Festival Sternenklang
Festival Sticky Fingers Festival
Festival Stiefelfest
Festival Stomp in den Mai
Festival Stonehenge Festival
Festival Strange Electro Pop Festival
Festival Streetz Open Air
Festival Sturm & Drang
Festival Sturm auf die Bastille
Festival Subkultfestivalen
Festival Süddeutsches Gothic Treffen
Festival Summer Breeze
Festival Summer Breeze Brasil
Festival Summer Invasion Festival
Festival Summer Moon Fest
Festival Summer Stomp
Festival Summerside
Festival Sunstorm
Festival Sweden Rock Festival
Festival Swissrockcruise
Festival Synth Fest
Festival Synth-Pop-Festival
Festival Synthetic Nightmare
Festival Synthinvasion
Festival Takt Bizarre Festival
Festival Tank mit Frank
Festival Tanzt!
Festival Taunus Metal Festival
Festival Terra anno Festival
Festival Tesla Live Night
Festival The Abyss Festival
Festival The Batnight Festival
Festival The Capital Deathfest
Festival The Invitation Festival
Festival The Metal Fest Chile
Festival The Rock Circus
Festival The Swedish Invasion
Festival The Wave Festival
Festival The-Dark-Zone for Benefiz
Festival These Days Festival
Festival Thorshammer Festival
Festival Throne Fest
Festival Tolminator Metal Festival
Festival Tomorrow's Ghosts Festival
Festival Tomorrow's Ghosts Festival - Spring Gathering
Festival Tons Of Rock
Festival Transition Festival
Festival Trierer Nacht der Spielleute
Festival Trollzorn Festival
Festival Turock Fest
Festival Turock Open Air
Festival Tuska Festival
Festival W-Festival
Festival Wacken Open Air
Festival Wacken Winter Nights
Festival Walhalla Festival
Festival Wallsbüll Open Air
Festival Walpurgisdampfer
Festival Walpurgisnacht Open Air
Festival War against War Festival
Festival Waregemse Metal Days
Festival Warlando Metal Fest
Festival Wave-Gotik-Treffen
Festival Wavefest
Festival Waves of Darkness
Festival Way of Darkness Festival
Festival Weckt die Toten Festival
Festival Weird Science Festival
Festival Welcome to Rockville
Festival Weltturbojugendtage
Festival West Coast Gothic
Festival WGM Festival
Festival WGT EBM Warm-Up
Festival Whitby Autumn Goth Festival
Festival Wigwam Getöse
Festival Winter Basinfirefest
Festival Winter Days of Metal
Festival Winter Invasion Festival
Festival Winter Madness Festival
Festival Winter Masters of Rock
Festival Winter Stomp
Festival Wir Leben Laut Festival
Festival Wol'n Bak
Festival Wolf Fest
Festival Wolfsmond Festival
Festival Wolfszeit Festival
Festival Wolfweez
Festival Woodstage
Festival Worker B Fest
Festival Wroclaw Industrial Festival