Tina Boleti (Tίνα Μπολέτη / Athen / Athens)
Tina Boleti (Tίνα Μπολέτη / Athen / Athens)
03.01.2025 - UK - The George Tavern - London
11.01.2025 - IT - Lizard Club - Caserta
22.01.2025 - US - Elbo Room - Oakland
26.01.2025 - US - Cold Beat Dance Night - The Stardust Club - Downey
07.03.2025 - CL - Espacio del Ángel - Santiago
08.03.2025 - PE - C.C. Festiva - Lima
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Night in Athens - Words Unspoken (Official Video)
Werbung / Advertising: Night in Athens - Wasted Reflektions (Album / Rel.: 01.07.2024) @ Amazon (*)
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Werbung / Advertising: Night In Athens - Wasted Reflektions @ Amazon (*)
Release: 01.07.2024 - Wave Records
01. Pale Rose
02. Nightshades
03. Wasted Reflektions
04. Your Shadow
05. Pressure
06. Words Unspoken
07. Sheeeee
08. Frozen Landscapes
09. Emotions
11.05.2024 - GR - Romantso - Athen / Athens / Αθήνα
12.10.2024 - BA - AG Club - Sarajevo
26.10.2024 - PT - Stereogun - Leiria
27.10.2024 - UK - O2 Forum Kentish Town - London
23.11.2024 - IT - El Paso Occupato - Turin
05.12.2024 - UK - New River Studios - London
14.12.2024 - PT - Hard Club - Porto
21.12.2024 - UK - A L P H A B E T - Brighton
02.12.2023 - GR - Arch - Athen / Athens / Αθήνα
w/ Covenant, Night in Athens, Grey Gallows