Gothics-Nature - History 2000 until now

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Folgende Änderungen sind aktuell geplant / im Gange:

    Die Festivalzone wird bis auf die Jahresübersicht aufgelöst und die Events in den jeweiligen Bereich Eventzone (DE) und Eventzone (Worldwide) verschoben.

    Die Städte Unterteilung in der Eventzone (DE) wird aufgelöst (100%) und die jeweiligen Events in ihre eigenen Bereiche bzw. das Archiv verschoben.

    Die Version wurde auf v11.3.0 angehoben.

    The following changes are currently planned / in progress:

    The festival zone will be dissolved except for the annual overview and the events will be moved to the respective areas Eventzone (DE) and Eventzone (Worldwide).

    The city subdivision in the event zone (DE) will be dissolved (100%) and the respective events will be moved to their own areas or the archive.

    The version was raised to v11.3.0.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wir sind uns aktuell bewusst, das wir Ende November zum Veröffentlichungstermin noch nicht alle Links gefunden haben, die dann noch eventuell ins leere führen. Aber dieses Problem wird sich über kurz oder lang von selbst, durch diverse Aktualisierungen, lösen. Die Portalstruktur hat sich einfach zu stark durch das Update verändert, sodass 8.430 Threads und 19.238 Postings zu kontrollieren, dann doch etwas aufwendiger und zeitraubender ist als ursprünglich geplant. Es wird so einfach noch etwas dauern wird, bis alles seine saubere Struktur hat.

    We are currently aware that at the end of November we have not yet found all the links that might lead to nothing. But this problem will sooner or later solve itself through various updates. The portal structure has simply changed too much by the update, so that to control 8,430 threads and 19,238 postings is a bit more complex and time-consuming than planned. It will simply take some more time until everything has its clean structure.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wir planen den Start von GN 2020 für Sonntag (29.11.2020) im laufe des Tages!

    Nochmals der Hinweis! Aufgrund der starkem Umstrukturierung der Software, werden sicherlich noch einige Fehler da sein. Solltet ihr Fehler finden, bitte meldet diese über die Beitrag melden Funktion, per Mail oder per Facebook! Vielen Dank

    We plan to launch GN 2020 on Sunday (2020/11/29) during the day!

    Once again the hint! Due to the strong restructuring of the software, there will certainly still be some errors. If you find any bugs, please report them via the post report function, by mail or via Facebook! Thanks a lot!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Freischaltung der neuen GN2020 Webseite ist am Sonntag, den 29.11.2020, nach einigen Anlaufschwierigkeiten geglückt. Nach und nach werden wir nun die letzten Fehler korrigieren und die neuen Features mit Informationen füllen. Wir hoffen, Euch gefällt die neue GN2020!

    The activation of the new GN2020 website was successful on Sunday 29.11.2020 after some initial difficulties. Bit by bit we will now correct the last errors and fill the new features with information. We hope you like the new GN2020!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Registrierung bleibt erst einmal disabled. Hier arbeiten wir an Berechtigungen und Benutzergruppen, um Spam so weit wie möglich auszuschließen.

    The registration remains disabled for the time being. Here we are working on authorisations and user groups to exclude spam as far as possible.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Phase 1 (finished!): Installation, check Installation, coarser overview of the content (start date 2020/10/09 = Installation date, end date 2020/11/29 = release date)

    Phase 2 (ongoing!): Update and reinitialize all Zones, filling new features and datebases with new content (start date 2020/11/29, end date spring 2021 - status about 48%, 2020/12/29)

    Phase 3 (not started!): Finalizing GN 2020 with fine tuning in all Zones, Features and Databases (start date: spring 2021 / summer 2021)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Now we haven't heard from you for a while. :( But the second phase of the restructuring is in full swing. Unfortunately, it is not progressing as we would like. The deadline for the end of phase 2 and the start of phase 3 will probably not be met as planned. :( However, since phases 2 and 3 overlap a lot in the meantime, it actually looks quite good. ;)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Good news: In the band zone, phase 2 is 100% complete and phase 3 is in full swing. The festival zone is unfortunately still behind schedule and we are only about 65% there. However, our calendar continues to grow and already contains over 500 dates. Our encyclopaedia is also growing, and in the last few days we have passed the 1,000 entries mark.

    Happy Easter and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    At the end of the month, here's another update from us:

    We have updated or added 76 festivals this month (calendar, lexicon, etc.), and also updated the tour dates of 108 bands. The festival zone is currently in phase 2 at about 71%, but unfortunately still off schedule. Nevertheless, our calendar contains almost 600 dates and our encyclopaedia (yes, unfortunately it is still called that, but the name search continues) has reached 1,130 entries. Unfortunately, our delay of requests continues to grow. Please be sure: If we don't answer or don't put anything online, it's not because of you, but because of time.

    We also want to reiterate: GN is our baby and we don't post much on social networks at the moment, but be sure that once we are through with the whole changeover, that will change.

    Have a great weekend and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Monthly update:

    We have updated or added 91 festivals in the month of May (calendar, lexicon, etc.), and also updated the tour dates of 123 bands. The many public holidays made this possible for us! The festival zone is currently in phase 2 at about 91.50%, unfortunately still off target, but it's getting better. Our calendar now has almost 700 active dates and our encyclopaedia (#wirsuchenimmernocheinnamenfürunserlexikon ;) ) has reached 1,293 entries. Unfortunately, our delay of requests continues to grow and grow and grow. Yes, the time, unfortunately. :(

    We wish a nice week and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    At the end of June, another update from us:

    We have updated or added 96 festivals (calendar, lexicon, etc.), and also updated the tour dates of 138 bands. The festival zone is currently at 95.57% in phase 2, but unfortunately still off schedule. Phase 2 was supposed to be completed by the end of June. We now hope to finally complete this in July. But in general this is not so bad, as phases 2 and 3 of the update planning have become more and more intermingled and we are therefore already further along overall than originally planned.

    Our calendar currently contains 738 active dates, and 151 festivals and events have already been moved to 2022 due to the pandemic. Many calendar entries will also receive a facelift in the next few days and weeks, as the calendar overview is somewhat unattractive due to the mass in certain months.

    Our second new feature, our encyclopaedia, is visibly growing and prospering. 656 bands, 367 festivals and 362 clubs, a total of 1385 entries (+92 compared to the previous month) can currently be found here. Again, we continue to work on, expand and update it.

    Follow us on our other channels as well:

    Have a great week and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    At the end of July, here's another update from us:

    In July, we updated or added 137 festivals (calendar, lexicon, etc.), and also updated the tour dates of 126 bands. Furthermore, we are very happy that the reconstruction of the festival zone is now completed. Currently we are in the middle of the 3rd and penultimate phase of GN2020.

    Our calendar currently contains 810 active events, in addition 181 festivals and events have already been moved to 2022 due to the pandemic, which is now being added, as various events were already allowed to take place in 2021, there are already many new plans for 2022. Furthermore, many calendar entries will receive a facelift in the next few days and weeks, as the calendar overview continues to be somewhat unattractive due to the mass in certain months.

    Our encyclopaedia continues to grow and prosper. 690 bands, 403 festivals and 374 clubs, a total of 1467 entries (+82 compared to the previous month) can currently be found here. Again, we continue to work on, expand and update it.

    Follow us on our other channels as well:

    Have a great weekend and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Here, as usual, is our monthly update for August 2021!

    Indeed, events have taken place again in August, which of course doesn't really make the whole situation of the music industry any better at the moment, but events have taken place. :)

    In August, we updated 76 festivals and added new ones, and we also updated the live dates of 123 bands. Also, 16 new event locations have found their way into our encyclopaedia.

    Oh yes, our encyclopaedia... We are still looking for a name for it. Lexicon or Wiki is just too, how should we put it, too simple. The following suggestions have been received so far:

    Necronomicon, GoNanomicon, GoNakondia, GoNaxikon, GoNanoptikon and GoNaoptikon.

    Do you like any of these names or have a better suggestion? Let us know.

    GN2020 continues to grow and thrive. 720 bands, 420 festivals and 390 venues are now represented in our database. In total there are 1,530 entries (+53 compared to last month).

    As for the calendar, the facelift of the entries has been completed and our calendar now contains 860 current dates.

    Furthermore we are in the middle of the 3rd phase of GN2020: filling databases, calendar, lexicon etc. with data. It is also going well.

    We don't know at this point if we will activate the activation for users in 2021. We are currently still planning the security settings. But there are still 4 months to go.

    This should be it for the update for the month of August.

    We still have one small thing: If anyone is still looking for unwords for the years 2020 and 2021, we have some:

    cancelled and postponed or in german abgesagt and verschoben ;)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    ... and here, as usual, our monthly update for September 2021!

    In September, 67 festivals were updated or added to our site, and the live dates of 124 bands were updated. Also 17 new event locations have found their way into our lexicon.

    GN2020 continues to grow and prosper. 736 bands, 429 festivals and 409 locations are now represented in our encyclopaedia. In total there are now 1,574 entries (+44 compared to the previous month).

    About the calendar: Our calendar now contains 906 current dates, and in the meantime 220 festivals have been moved to 2022 or newly created, if they took place in 2021.

    Furthermore we are in the middle of the 3rd phase of GN2020: filling databases, calendar, lexicon etc. with data. It is also progressing well.

    We still don't know at this point if we will activate the activation for users in 2021. We are currently planning further security settings. But there are still 3 months to go.

    This should be it for the update for the month of September.

    Follow us on our other channels:

    Have a great week and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Our October 2021 Update:

    The year is slowly coming to an end and the days are getting shorter and shorter. Halloween is already over.

    In October, 83 festivals were updated or added to our site, and the live dates of 146 bands were updated. Also 18 new event locations have found their way into our lexicon.

    GN2020 keeps growing and growing and growing. 752 bands, 446 festivals and 422 venues are now represented. There are now a total of 1,620 entries (+46 compared to the previous month of September). The existing entries will of course continue to be worked on and updated.

    The GN2020 calendar: Our calendar now contains 952 current dates around the world, plus 239 festivals have been moved to 2022 or newly created if they still took place in 2021.

    In 2021 we will definitely not activate the registration for users anymore. We are still planning on higher security settings.

    Since GN2020 is running and we are getting more and more requests, which we will continue to work off bit by bit (please be patient, we will be in touch!), next year there will be the next feature release and after GN2020 GN2022 will see the light of day.

    That should be it for the update for the month of October.

    Follow us on our other channels:

    Have a great week and stay healthy!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Our November 2021 Update:

    The year is drawing to a close, Father Christmas and Christmas will soon be upon us and it will unfortunately be very quiet again on the stages of this world, the virus still has us all firmly in its grip. ☹

    But nevertheless we are looking ahead. At some point, the whole thing has to come to an end and be over too.

    In November, 107 festivals were updated, added or postponed on our website, and the live dates of 137 bands were updated. New event locations have also found their way into our encyclopaedia.

    GN2020 keeps growing and growing and growing. 778 bands, 458 festivals and 433 locations are now represented in our encyclopaedia. There are now a total of 1,669 entries (+49 compared to the previous month of October). We also continue to work on and update the already existing entries.

    The GN2020 calendar: Our calendar now contains 1,002 dates around the world, and 268 festivals have been moved to 2022/2023 or newly created, if they still took place in 2021.

    In 2021, the activation, the registration for users will definitely no longer be activated. We are still planning on higher security settings.

    Since GN2020 is well received and we continue to receive more and more requests, which we are currently working through one by one (please be patient, we will definitely be in touch!), there will be the next feature release next year and after GN2020 GN2022 will see the light of day. It was planned for spring 2022, but since there are currently massive postponements and cancellations, it will probably be summer 2022.

    That should be it for our update for November.

    Follow us on our other channels as well:

    Have a great week and stay healthy!

    Your GN Team

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Since the last post in November 2021, a lot has happened here again:

    - Since September 2022, GN is online as GN2022 in version v13.

    - The entire conversion is currently at about 80% and should be completed soon.

    - The GNW has grown to almost 3,000 entries (1,330 bands, 610 festivals and the category locations to 895).

    - The outstanding 16,000 pictures of the past years will probably not be online anymore, or if so, only partially. The quality of 2000+ and today is simply no longer comparable.

    - Bit by bit, all festival and concert reports will be transferred to the article section.

    - In the meantime, you can find information from over 40 countries in the GNK (calendar), GNW (encyclopaedia), the Eventzone and Bandzone.

    - In 2023 it is also planned to reactivate the registration so that you can become active again.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Logbook entry: Sunday, 04.06.2023:

    Topic: GNW (Lexicon) and GNB (Bandzone)

    Since the new GNW version v7.x now offers me the possibility of subpages, I have started to work with it and have also decided to move almost everything from the current GNB to the GNW.

    The current content will remain in the band zone for the time being, as I'm not quite sure about the structure yet. In addition, the tour data will continue to be updated in the GNB for the time being.

    The GNB will then also be expanded / filled with bands, but then mainly only used for discussion.

    Topic: GNC (Calendar)

    In the near future, I plan to integrate the bands in the band zone and the structure into the calendar so that concert entries are also possible and the discussion topic is automatically opened directly with the band in the GNB. However, I still have to think about a structure for the calendar so that it remains clear and doesn't become too complex.

    Edit 2.36 p.m.: I have now started to move all previous concerts into the respective GNB category, the breakdown of the bands in the GNK is as follows:

    Band selection >> Country of origin >> Band (currently only a few are inserted for test purposes...)

    Whether I like it that way, I don't know yet. I can't think of a better subdivision at the moment, apart from possibly A,B,C ....

    Topic: GN2020 vs GN2022

    GN2020 went online in November 2020 and GN2022 followed in September 2022. Unfortunately, the rebuild continues to drag on. Some areas are already completed after 32 months of rebuilding, others not yet. Roughly speaking, since the start in 11/2020, I am at just over 86% completion.

    But there is still something happening in terms of content. The GNW has grown to 2,885 contributions in the last month:

    - 1.362 +32 bands

    - 613 +3 festivals

    - 910 +15 locations