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Name: Changes
Release: 30.06.2017
Anzahl Disks/Tonträger: 1
Label: Trisol Music Group (Soulfood)
ASIN: B0725G9KN1
Werbung / Advertising: Scheuber - Changes @ Amazon (*)
01. Rumors
02. Wire
03. Form
04. Silhouette
05. Bliss
06. Unbound
07. Metabeats
08. Ikon
09. Vibes
10. Spiritwalker
11. Fragile
12. Not For You
Info: https://www.facebook.com/ScheuberMusic / https://www.scheuber-music.de
http://www.trisol.de / https://www.fantotal.de/de/project-pit…cheuber-changes